Value Add Singapore

Things to Know in a Company

You may think that when you apply in a big company, it is perfect. There are companies with complete facilities but they have employees with bad attitude. On the other hand, there are firms with good employees but they are only good in their work. In short, they do not socialize to other people most especially new employees.


There’s No 100% Guarantee

Whatever company you choose, there is no guarantee that they are the company that you are looking for. Most of the time, people are choosing jobs, companies and even salaries. It is true, but businesses has nothing to do if an employee wants to leave in a company.

You Have to Prove Your Worth

However, other business firms do not let their employees go for a reason that they really need him in the company, most especially if he is the real scorer and is the leading profit maker in the company. Many cannot easily replace this kind of worker and all they have to do is increased his salary more than the other company offer him. Whatever. The salary is, it is still your choice on what kind of future you want. As a tip, go and find on where you think you can be happy.


Consider your work place as your second home

Your work area will be considered as your second home as you will stay in your area for a couple of hours. It is also considered private because there are files that are confidential and you are the only one who shall do work. Any person who will sit on your work area shall receive a suspension. You don’t want this to happen, right? So, when you are about to be interviewed do not hesitate to ask about your work area and its privacy. In that way, you will know if you can work without having problems.


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